TROGIR Inspired By Stone Beautiful city in CROATIA

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You don’t have to be in Central Dalmatia very long to realise the importance of stone to the culture, traditoin and heritage of the region. This, of course, is where the famous Brac white stone hails from, which adorns famous buildings around the world, including The White House in Washington, and the stonemakers of Dalmatia have constructed spectacular buildings and towns over the centuries.

Among the prettiest must be the old town of Trogir, which is actually an island, and also one of the region’s UNESCO World Heritage Sites.

Inspired by stone. The Trogir Tourist Board released this lovely promotional video of the town, paying homage to its stone tradition. The video is accompanied by the following description:

In Greek mythology, Kairos (Καιρός) was the god of opportunity, luck and favorable moment.
According to legend, He must be grasped by his tuft of hair, otherwise moment flies away and cannot be caught any more…

To learn more about Trogir, click here.


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